Norwegian Folk Tales (Innbundet)



Theodor Kittelsen (Illustratør) Eilif Peterssen (Illustratør) Otto Sinding (Illustratør) Erik Werenskiold (Illustratør) Pat Shaw (Oversetter)

Forfatter: og
Innbinding: Innbundet
Utgivelsesår: 2017
Antall sider: 224
Illustratør: Kittelsen, Theodor , Peterssen, Eilif , Sinding, Otto og Werenskiold, Erik
Forlag: Font Forlag
Språk: Engelsk
Originaltittel: Norske folkeeventyr
Oversatt av: Shaw, Pat
ISBN/EAN: 9788281694118
Omtale Norwegian Folk Tales

In the first half of the nineteenth century, the folklore scholars Jørgen Moe and Peter Christian Asbjørnsen travelled around Southern Norway collecting legends and tales that had been a living part of popular culture in our country for centuries. Ever since, their Norwegian Folk Tales have been a treasured part of our cultural heritage. In this volume we have gathered 35 of the best known, illustrated with the classical drawings that accompanied the tales' first publication 150 years ago. This is a book for adult readers interested in a fascinating and defining part of Norwegian culture, as well as children who will find themselves introduced to the world of trolls and gnomes, of witches and magic, and not least that of the beguiling Ash Lad. Asbjørnsen and Moe's folk tales today have an international status comparable to that of the brothers Grimm and H. C. Andersen. This new and lavish edition is therefore published simultaneously in a Norwegian and an English version, the latter in Pat Shaw's praised translation.

The book (printed) are sold in most book stores and tourist shops, and you can order it from:

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Andre utgaver

Norske folkeeventyr
Bokmål Ebok 2012
Om forfatter

Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 1812—85, forfatter og naturforsker, den første som systematisk samlet og nedtegnet no. folketradisjoner; utgav sm.m. Jørgen Moe Norske Folkeeventyr (1841—43), utgav alene Norske Folkeeventyr. Ny samling (1871) og Norske Huldreeventyr og Folkesagn (1845—48). Sm.m. Ivar Aasen og Jørgen Moe innledet A. det nasjonale gjennombrudd i Norge og innførte no. språktone i litteraturen.

Moe, Jørgen, 1813—82, dikter, eventyrsamler og prest. Utgav sm.m. Asbjørnsen Norske Folkeeventyr (1841—44). Utgav Digte (1849) og barneboken I Brønden og i Kjærnet (1851); hans Samlede Skrifter utkom 1877. Fra 1875 biskop i Kristiansand